Cost Accounting is made up of 6 Chapters. Out of which Chapter No. 6. Introduction to emerging Concepts in Costing , will have no practical question.
Where as the First chapter- Uniform Costing and Inter firm comparison has Simple sums and theory, GO through the sums at-least once.
There are practical problems based on Costing of Goods & Passenger Transport, Hotel & Hospital.
For Goods & Passenger transport. There are specific formats for Standing/Fixed and Running/Variable cost. If there is a confusion in bifurcation of Costs, simply use CAS 5. And mention the same.
For Hotel, there is no fixed format, all the cost can be written one under the other.
For Hospital, there is a fixed format given Under CAS 5.
Working notes for calculations such as Passenger Kms etc will form part of answer. Hence make them neatly and do mention the Connecting working Note No.
Non Integrated & Integrated.
The only way to identify, weather its Integrated or Non Integrated sum is:- General adjustment A/c.
If GLA/CLC a/c is present then, its Non Integrated A/c.
Closing procedure for the A/c of Non Integral are:-
Also the maximum Entries possible (as per us) are Attached in Casting Short-cuts part 2
Its new for TYBAF, hence Practical problems related to Inter process Profits and WIP and Equivalent Production is expected(FIFO only)
Lastly it is advisable to go through the previous year papers before leaving for centre.
All the best.
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