FYBAF will be University Exam.

Well, Finally it has been confirmed by a notice form Mumbai University that SEMESTER 1, 2, 5 & 6. will be university exams. 

But the difference is that, SEM 1 & 2 will have No CAP assessment, It means the Exams will happen in their respective colleges itself, where the college will check the Papers, but the Papers will be set by university.


As mentioned in a Interview, Such action is taken to curb the malpractices of not teaching the complete syllabus and taking the Exam out of the completed syllabus by the faculty.

Does 75-25 pattern Remain?

Yes, The pattern still remain the same, but in the Notice the university has strictly mentioned that, the method to evaluate the 25 marks have to be standardised.

Where as of now, no specification related to 25 marks have been given, i.e. Internal exam/project/presentation etc.


BAF.CO.IN Views on this

Well its a Thumb’s Up from our side, for anyways the Graduation marks are an average of 6 Semesters, and it was bias to allow colleges to conduct exams in their own flexible ways giving students an unfair change to stand on the same platform.

Major Difficulty with the pattern

Students admission will be done by the last date of this Month, then will come the Freshers etc. .

Hence the college has not more than 3.5 Months in hands, which will include various festivals, and college fest & Notional holidays etc.

To make it worst, The SEM 1 & SEM 2 syllabus is under change, which has not been disclosed yet, and if not disclosed yet, Just think by when will the text books come??


So on a conclusion, the University is bringing drastic changes, For the good, But hope everyone Co operates and Supports the required changes.



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