Author: Team BAF
FYBAF SEMESTER 1- Foundation Course NCC – I
Revised Syllabus of Courses of FYBAF Semester 1 Foundation Course in NCC – I Modules at a Glance
FYBAF SEMESTER 1- Foundation Course in NSS – I
Revised Syllabus of Courses of FYBAF Semester 1 Foundation Course in NSS – I Modules at a Glance
FYBAF SEMESTER 1- Foundation Course -I
Revised Syllabus of Courses of FYBAF Semester 1 Foundation Course -I Modules at a Glance
FYBAF SEMESTER 1- Business Communication- I
Revised Syllabus of Courses of FYBAF Semester 1 Business Communication- I Modules at a Glance
FYBAF SEMESTER 1- Introduction to Financial Management – I
Revised Syllabus of Courses of FYBAF Semester 1 Financial Management – Introduction to Financial Management – I Modules at a Glance
FYBAF SEMESTER 1-Introduction and Elements of Cost-I
Revised Syllabus of Courses of FYBAF Semester I with Effect from the Academic Year 2016-2017 2.Cost Accounting – Introduction and Elementsof Cost-I Modules at a Glance
FYBAF SEMESTER 1- Elements of Financial Accounting-I
Revised Syllabus of Courses of FYBAF Semester 1 1.Financial Accounting – Elements of Financial Accounting-I Modules at a Glance
B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) SYLLABUS implemented from Academic Year- 2016-2017 Progressively
As per the new Syllabus and Pattern Declared by the University, We see the Major changes coming into the academics of BAF. Few questions that kept Pilling us from Students to faculties are:- Does we have 100 Marks Papers? NO, We continue with 75-25 Pattern. …
T.Y.B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) SEMESTER 6 (To be implemented from Academic Year- 2018-2019)
Third Year B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) Programme Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System Course Structure T.Y.B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) (To be implemented from Academic Year- 2018-2019) In the 6th SEMESTER, Of the 6 subjects Students have the option to select any 4 Subjects from an option of 6 Subjects. It means Subject 1,…
T.Y.B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) SEMESTER 5 (To be implemented from Academic Year- 2018-2019)
Third Year B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) Programme Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System Course Structure T.Y.B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) (To be implemented from Academic Year- 2018-2019) In the 5th SEMESTER, Of the 6 subjects Students have the option to select any 4 Subjects from an option of 6 Subjects. It means Subject 1,…