There are 27 chapters of economics which is divided in 4 modules. They
- Introduction, agricultural sector
- Industrial sector
- Service sector, external sector
- Money and banking
In module 1, there are 11 chapters from 1 to 11, in module 2 there are 4
chapters from 12 to 15, in module 3 there are 7 chapters from 16 to 21 and finally
in module 4 there are 5 chapters from 23 to 27.
So, as per previous 5 years question paper, we have extracted and removed
important chapters to make it easy to study. The chapters are:
1. Population problem
3. Unemployment in India
4. Urbanization
5. Agricultural finance
6. Agricultural marketing
7. Public sector and disinvestment policy
8. Small scale sector
9. Service sector
10. Foreign capital: foreign direct investment and multinational corporation
11. Money market and features
12. Securities and exchange board of India (SEBI)
These are the chapters which are very important to study for 6 sem
tybaf economics exams.
For scoring much better marks in exams there are more few chapters to study,
1. Technological changes in agriculture
2. Growth and pattern of industrialization
3. Health and tourism industry
4. Structure and direction of India’s foreign trade
5. RBI’s monetary policy
These are 17 chapters from total of 27 chapters which are extracted from
previous 5 years exam question papers.
Below are the important questions from above mentioned important chapters and
there few extra questions included as well which are not there in those important
1. Demographic features of India’s population. chp:1
2. Extent and causes of poverty in India. Chp 2
3. Poverty alleviation programs. Chp 2
4. Policy measures to reduce income inequality. Chp 3
5. Nature of unemployment in India. Chp 4
6. Extent of unemployment in India. Chp 4
7. Cause of unemployment in India. Chp 4
8. Causes of urbanization. Chp 5
9. Effects of urbanization. Chp 5
10. Need for agricultural price policy. Chp 8
11. Source of agricultural finance. Chp 9
12. National bank for agricultural and rural development (NABARD). Chp 9
13. Problems of agricultural marketing. Chp 10
14. Government measures to expand market. Chp 10
15. Industrial growth during post reforms period. Chp 12
16. Industrial policy 1991. Chp 13
17. Evaluation of industrial policy 1991. Chp 13
18. Role of public sector Chp 14
19. Problems of public sector enterprises.
20. Short note on Disinvestment policy.
21. Government policies on disinvestment.
22. Role and performance of small scale industries. Chp 15
23. Problems of small scale industries.
24. Government policies and measures of small scale industries
25. Nature and scope of service industry. Chp16
26. Recent trends in banking industry in India.
27. Recent trends in insurance sector. Chp 17
28. Short note on health care industry. Chp 18
29. Changes in composition of India’s foreign trade. Chp19
30. India’s BOP position since 1991.
31. Advantages and disadvantages of foreign capital. Chp21
32. Meaning and role of MNCs.
33. Structure and components of Indian money market. Chp 23
34. Features of money market instruments.
35. Functions of RBI. Chp 24
36. Objectives of monetary policies.
37. Short note on SEBI. Chp 27
38. Role of SEBI.
We recognise the Support of Ms Rukhsar Shaikh From Lords Universal College, For collecting The above information.
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