Name: Neelam Yadav
College name : KBP college
Course name : Baf
Percentage: 82.833%
1.Tell us about yourself
Myself Neelam Yadav .I love to do accounts a lot
2. How does it feels to be the topper of the college in sem V?
It really feels great.!!!
3. Whom will credit your success to?
My parents and my college teachers , they were really helpful.
4. Did you start preparing from the first day of TY Sem V?
No not at all , you just need to clear your concepts
5. How did you study for sem V?
Last 1 month is the crucial time, just practice and for tax prepare ur own important notes.
6.Which are the easy subjects in sem V?
Taxation and management
7. Any special way of writing the answers? Do you write in bullet points or paragraph?
For theory papers yes I prefer to write in bullets points.
8. How to you crack case studies in theory subjects?
We didn’t had case studies.
9. Do you draw any diagrams in papers, is it mandatory?
No in accounts no diagrams are there and there was only economics , which didn’t required any diagrams
10. Any specific study pattern adopted?how many hours per day etc.?
No I actually didn’t made timetable but yes I used to take one subject at a time complete one chapter then start with something new.
11. How do you fight against mood swings and distractions during exam times?
Be calm and relaxed and don’t panic much and give some free time for relaxation .I used to go and play outdoor games like badminton , cycling,etc.
12. If you are the vice chancellor of Mumbai university what changes would you like to make in the Indian education system?
There should be some punctuality. I would also like to focus more on practical things.
13. Your message to students?
Believe in urself and do ur best. Fear should never be ur hurdle
Put ur best and try to your full capacity
14. Feedback for
This site is really doing a great job for students. For providing syllabus to question papers I find everything to be best
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