This is post from #thebafacts in Jan’16 on its wall.
Marks Being Sold at Rs 100 per Mark.(TYBAF)
The entire fact Coming out soon!! ?#?thebafact?.
College being associated with Private classes is not new. But As per the information received and verified, there are a few colleges, where students are forced to Join a particular Classes, on the bribe of Full Internal Marks and 100% attendance.
And for the students who deny the same, are harassed and thrown away in a different division all together for substandard treatment.
As per University rule. A full time lecturer in College is denied to teach in Private classes.
Students don’t bring up the issue for they are pressurised by such Professors in context to the internal marks in their hands.
But Finally limits were met, and students have reached us with desired proof.
Name of the college and the classes coming on THE BAF ACT soon.”
And Today they have put up:-
“To all the TYBAF students, do not hurry on choosing your classes for the list of colleges which have tied up with classes & professors forcing students to join a particular classes or course coming out in media by 12th of this month. Be smart and keep patience.”
“The Baf Acts” is a group of unknown Members, who act in their respective ways to keep unethical Practices away from the Course of BAF.
This is what they have to say, “It is for BAF Students, We acts as a link between the Baf students with issues and the right person with its SOLUTION”
To Get in Touch with them mail them at Or Contact them on Facebook on their Page, “the baf act”
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