Mumbai university Examination Committee Loves BAF the Most.

The FA paper was not enough to excite the students with, Mumbai university take things to all a new level with Direct tax paper.

As per the Published Paper pattern of Direct tax paper, Q 5 should be and option Between (a) or (b), where (a) consist of two question carrying 7 & 8 marks, whereas (b) should Contain short-notes, where students have to answer 3 out of 5.


The Paper had only 3 Short-notes, where no option for the same was given. But the surprise came in Few colleges @ 1 pm or at 1.20 pm(just 10 min before the paper getting over)

Students were given 2 short-notes to be added to the question paper, and they were       1) Assessment year & previous Year, 2) GAV(gross annual Value)

in comparison to other three which were printed in the paper, the new short-notes were extremely easy to attain.

Many students had left the centre by 1 PM, as there is no mandatory rule to sit till the end.

Another surprise came in was, Many colleges in Thane and Mumbai were NOT GIVEN THE OPTIONS AT ALL.

Students realised the same by the night, that other centres were given Option of 3 out of 5.

Students want to know from the  Exam committee that, 8 days in hand to rectify any final changes required in the paper was not enough?

Mr.Deepak Wasave in his answer to Hindustan Times, Said that “Any changes in the paper are informed within 15 min from the paper begin”

Forget informing in 15 min, the Options were not provided at all in many colleges.

Not just students but also many Professors are disappointed with the event.

Students From Baf :” This is our Career exam”

How difficult it is to set 6 Papers without any mistakes and error.

Should Students get 15 marks for Unfair treatment of University??



9 responses to “Mumbai university Examination Committee Loves BAF the Most.”

  1. Yeh we shld get marks
    Dey shld hv rectified the paper at the first nly

  2. Jay Rambhia Avatar
    Jay Rambhia

    In colleges some classroom were given the rectification of Q4 and in some classes no rectification notice of Q4 came till the end of the exams.

  3. Yash Mehra Avatar
    Yash Mehra

    Absolutely True….i agree with the post…some action should be taken on this…we should be compensated with marks

  4. Yusuf khan Avatar
    Yusuf khan

    I agree with the post…some action must be taken on this…because those student which are dependent on theory will face problem…and how they can provide option at the last moment.
    They got a enough time to set a tax paper.
    Then how can they do big are responsible for this and by doing all this in short they are playing with career lyf of student.

  5. Absolutely true… in our college their will be no intimatin thtz their will be any mistake in questn paper n this same thing will be again reapeated thtz will also facing in fa paper…. bt university still didnt take any action ..!!!

  6. I agree with the post

  7. Hell.. Even we didn’t got any option question for Q.5
    N the correction of Q.3 CII was also given late..
    Till that time I had already solved that sum..
    And because of that correction.. I have to repeat that same question and solved it again..

  8. Aishwarya Giri Avatar
    Aishwarya Giri

    rectification In the paper was made at 1 pm for Q4 and in my college we didn’t even get the 2 options in short notes . This is very wrong we should get 15 marks

  9. We want to tell every Student who have faced the same, that we are in process to make it official with the Mumbai University. And their reply will be posted here. #bafUNITES

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