TYBAF SEM 5 results 2015-2016 declared today on 28/01/2016
Dear TYBAF students,
We are glad to inform you that Mumbai university has declared the results of tybaf sem 5 cbsgs on 28th Jan 2016.
You can view the results at the official website of Mumbai university – results section
Or Check this link: http://results.mu.ac.in/choose_noc.php?exam_id=3778&exam_year=2015&exam_month=OCT
BAF.co.in congratulates all those who have passed the exams successfully.
If you have any queries related to the results, please comment here and we will get back to you shortly.
Grade O = 70% and above
Grade A= 60% – 69.99%
Grade B= 55%- 59.99%
Grade C= 50%- 54.99%
Grade D= 45%- 49.99%
Grade E= 40%- 44.99%
“Unsuccessful” It means KT not fail.
All the best for your future 🙂
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