
As per the conversation with the PRO of Mumbai university, It is highly expected that the results will be declared By Monday.

Hence do not worry on the Result for it is expected that the results are going to be better than the Previous Results. Also Photocopy of the Papers demanded by the Students by paying Rs.100 has reached the Colleges, For exact Information please co ordinate with your Baf co ordinator.

For details Regarding ATKT Results, as there is no update from the university, also no information available with the colleges, all we can say is KEEP CALM.


Will update once the results are Declared!!


50 responses to “TYBAF SEMESTER 6 RESULTS TO BE DECLARED BY 18th July.”

  1. ankit trivedi Avatar
    ankit trivedi

    What about revaluation results

    1. sunny oberoi Avatar
      sunny oberoi

      Revaluation results are out of 5 sem

  2. Aniket Avatar

    what the result timing is to be declared, please reply me.

    1. Ayesha Avatar

      10. 30 am onwards

      1. haha

  3. When is the university going to declare its already 10:30

  4. Alisha Avatar

    Please upload the link once the results are out.

    1. VivekKumar Agarwal Avatar
      VivekKumar Agarwal

      I am too waiting for results, but asusual the results may come in evening by 7 pm.

  5. What time result will come??

  6. When did u declared the results and what time did u declaring the results?

  7. Aaradhya Avatar

    When results will finally be declared??????

  8. supriya Avatar

    can you please disclose the timing?

  9. plzz , declr d resultzz soon,

    …now I m bcmng restlss

  10. Its chutiya pa overloaded

  11. Bc its postponed to 25 bekar mai dara diyaa chu sale

    1. When are the results??

    2. Hemani Avatar

      who told u ?
      if from net u got d info den plz share d link

    3. ha ha ha

  12. Is der our results today?when is our results?

  13. When is our results n at wat tym plzzzzz declared a perfect date yaar

  14. 18 july bola tha abi tak result nhi aaya baf ka kab aayega result baf ka

  15. Vivek Agarwal Avatar
    Vivek Agarwal

    BMS results also declared of Sem-6 , when TY.BAF Semi – 6 results will be out, any specific date & time ???

  16. Ruchita Avatar

    When tybaf result will be declared plzzz tell the date and time

  17. mukesh Avatar

    What’s going on , inspite of having reasons bms result has out why there is specification clearly

  18. mukesh Avatar

    What’s going on , bms result has out why there is specification clearly

  19. mukesh Avatar

    What’s going on , bms result has out why there is no specification clearly

  20. Kab aayega baf sem 6th ka result

  21. When unversity will declared tybaf result its too late plzzzzz declared it today

  22. Jst rply it na when unversity will declared tybaf result

  23. Is there any updates regarding TYBAF result….?

  24. mukesh Avatar

    All results are declared only ty baf remains can u specify why still not declarining

  25. mukesh Avatar


  26. When tybaf result decalred all courses results are out only baf rah gya hai kab aayega result

  27. Gaurav Avatar

    when the hell the results will be declared…?????????????

  28. Gaurav Avatar

    Only the TY BAF Result are pending… where’s the 45 days criteria to announce the results….Damn….. Mumbai university is stretching it a lot…

    Its Been since 1 month the B.com Results are out….. How much more lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…….

  29. When unversity will declared the result all are waiting unversity dnt understand

  30. 25th bola tha result aayega baf ka aaj 25th hai what the time when unversity decalred the result rply it fast??????

  31. mukesh Avatar

    Please specify about baf result

  32. vaibhav Avatar

    When is the result ty baf

  33. Priyanka Avatar

    Kabhi aayga baf ka result show the date


  35. What is wrong with this unversity jst declared the result plzzz how much time it will take?????

  36. Saniya Avatar

    Are we gonna get our results today or no its really getting frustrating now how much more do we wait!!!!!!!

  37. Gaurav Avatar

    Has the university messed up our results…??? If not then why the hell its not even responding to our calls..???

  38. What’s going on yaar…when the university should decleared the result …?? It is so much time …

  39. Plz declare baf results yr….
    Itz to late now

  40. kunal kamath Avatar
    kunal kamath

    Mcom results are also out what about baf don’t increase our tension? Reply fast

  41. Vishal dhawale Avatar
    Vishal dhawale

    Mujhe previous question set chahiye

  42. Santu Rebello Avatar
    Santu Rebello

    Wat abt d sem 5 atkt ty BAF may 2019 results

  43. When did gap students results will declared for 2019???

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