Exams are approaching in a few days and you’ve been for several years, nay decades now! This possibly will be the last exam you take in your life for many of you.
We will be updating important questions bank just one day (possibly night) before the exam. However, do NOT think that we are leaking papers, or have inside information. WE DO NOT. We just analyse past papers and come up with the question bank based on our understanding of probability and past experience of publishing important questions bank over the past decade.
We’re going to put up the Important Questions One day before the exam here. All you have to do is unlock the content with a like, share or tweet. For people who face difficulties with doing this simple task, please figure it out with one of your friends. Our focus is to serve the TYBMS students fraternity at large, the thousands of students taking the exams.
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Very Important for FA VI
Here is a list of Final Preparations,
- You have to attempt five questions out of which 1st question is objective questions which may be attempted first you may lay more emphasis on M.C.Q.and Match the Columns.
All the five topics are problem based. Do not leave any topic in option.
Expected Patter of the Paper.
- Practical Problems on Final Accounts of Banking Company
- OR
- Practical Problems onFinal Accounts of Banking Company
- Practical Problems onFinal Accounts of Insurance Company
- OR
- Practical Problems onFinal Account of Insurance Company
- A. Practical Problems onInvestment Accounting
- Practical Problems onAccounting for Transactions of Foreign Currency
- OR
- Accounting for Limited Liability Partnership
- A. Theory
- B. Theory
- OR
- Short Notes (any three)
Note: It is compulsory that, A short note will be asked from each chapter, Hence Doing 3 chapters theory perfectly should be enough.
Important Short Notes
i) Rebate on Bills discounted
ii) Money at Call and Short Notice
iii) Non–performing Assets
iv) Classification of Bank Advances
v) Re–insurance accepted and
vi) Re–insurance ceded
vii) Provision for unexpired Risk
viii) Carrying amount of investment
ix) Bonus Shares
x) Need for conversion
xi) Monetary & Non – monetary items
xii) Foreign Exchange fluctuation A/c.
xiii) Designated Partners
xiv) Partnership Agreement
ImportantTheory Questions –
i) Non–Performing Assets
ii) Classification of Bank Advances
iii) Financial Statements of General Insurance companies
iv) Types of Investments
v) Ex–interest, cum interest quotations
vi) Procedure of recording transactions of fixed income earning securities.
vii) Monetary and non–monetary items
viii) Procedure of registration of LLP
ix) Accounting for conversion of a proprietary organization into a LLP
x) Provisions of LLP Act about Accounts and Audit.
Do Not forget to refer the Past year Papers.
Here is Chapter wise Past year questions.
Chapterwise Board Question TYBAF Sem 6
We appreciate Prof. L . N Chopde (Author(Sheth Publications)- FA 6 TYBAF), for Helping us with the Above data.
Thanks for your support.
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