Very Important for FA VI

Exams are approaching in a few days and you’ve been for several years, nay decades now! This possibly will be the last exam you take in your life for many of you.

We will be updating important questions bank just one day (possibly night) before the exam. However, do NOT  think that we are leaking papers, or have inside information. WE DO NOT. We just analyse past papers and come up with the question bank based on our understanding of probability and past experience of publishing important questions bank over the past decade.

We’re going to put up the Important Questions One day before the exam here. All you have to do is unlock the content with a like, share or tweet. For people who face difficulties with doing this simple task, please figure it out with one of your friends. Our focus is to serve the TYBMS students fraternity at large, the thousands of students taking the exams.


11 responses to “Very Important for FA VI”

  1. Manisha Avatar


  2. Notify when available

  3. Need question bank

  4. Bajirao Chingum Avatar
    Bajirao Chingum

    Aata maajhi satakli

  5. Pls notify me via emails asap new posts are out!! Thank you!

  6. sandesh ghadi Avatar
    sandesh ghadi

    please confirm the date of revaluation result of TYBAF sem 5th october 2015

  7. vinay choudhary Avatar
    vinay choudhary

    How can I get to see the past question papers?? Please post it

  8. keval gohil Avatar
    keval gohil

    please notify me

  9. If student forget to write question number for such questions mark are given??

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